

Security Management Solution

Founded: 2007

Tanium offers a cutting-edge enterprise solution designed to instantly query and adjust your managed IT assets, no matter the network's scale. It equips each client with a digital IT backbone capable of swiftly identifying and communicating any unusual activities or software. Unlike traditional systems, Tanium utilizes an innovative peer-to-peer architecture reminiscent of well-known file-sharing platforms like Napster and BitTorrent. This approach enables computers within a network to communicate sequentially, efficiently passing data along until it reaches a central server in significantly less time than older, more cumbersome methods. Where generating similar insights with systems before Tanium could stretch into hours or even days, rendering the data potentially obsolete, Tanium streamlines this process remarkably. 

  • David Hindawi – Founder & CEO
  • Orion Hindawi – CFO & Co-Founder
  • Eric Brown – CTO & COO

  • Andreessen Horowitz
  • Institutional Venture Partners
  • TPG

Members are able to use IRA and 401K funds to fund their private equity investments using our trusted third party partner, The Entrust Group